Project Phases:
(click here to see various moments in the phases of development)
The young people participating in the project are responsible for taking the animals to pasture, feeding them and cleaning their stalls. The highly prized alpaca wool will be woven on looms into simple handmade articles and clothing.
Why we chose alpacas:
Alpacas are easy to raise and their docile behavior makes them especially suitable for being in contact with humans. They are often used to accompany organized hiking or trekking expeditions and in pet therapy to facilitate communication among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The project also offers music therapy, psychomotricity, and strategies of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (W.O.C.E./ Written Output Communication Enhancement) in order to promote a better quality of life by achieving higher levels of self-reliance.
Our enthusiasm captured City Councilor Alessia Bettini and consequently the City of Florence offered us free use of an unoccupied piece of land next to the Animal Park (Parco degli Animali) at Ugnano (Deliberation no. 448 of October 2016).
Associazione AlpaHa APS onlus - Via I. Pindemonte 54, 50124 Firenze - - CF 94260670487