Friday September 22, 2023, during the Rvs Live broadcast by Claudio Coppini and Roberto Vacca, interview with the vice-president of the AlpaHa onlus APS association Barbara Vallotti, to listen to the interview click here.
Thursday December 18, 2020. 6:00 pm. The “Quattrino 2020” award will be conferred on the Association by District 4 of the City of Florence. See live on
Tuesday October 27, 2020. Second birthday of the AlpaHa Association Onlus APS.
Friday October 23, 2020. Fundraising campaign “Nessuno Indietro” (No One Left Behind). Event in streaming sponsored by Unicoop Firenze and the “Cuore si Scoglie Onlus” (“Melting Heart” Nonprofit) Foundation broadcast on Informatore TV.
Friday March 27, 2020. Arno is born, first cub at the Alpaca Park.
Saturday and Sunday December 14-15, 2019. Open House at the Alpaca Parkon the occasion of the Festa dei Doni (Festival of Gifts) held at the Parco degli Animali.
Thursday November 21, 2019. Award “Save the City-Firenze nel Cuore 2019”, award ceremony held in the Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio, in the presence of City Councilor Federico Giannassi and of all the City District presidents.
Saturday November 9, 2019. Theater Troupe QuinTe InstAbili “Un marito da Oscar” (“A Husband Worthy of an Oscar”), benefit performance.
From September 4 to October 2017. Crowdfunding campaign on Eppela, supported by the Foundation “Il cuore si scioglie” (The Melting Heart) in collaboration with the Members Section of UNICOOP, Florence. Thanks to their support “Noi che…gli alpaca,” part of the Alpaca project was financed! Other initiatives within the scope of the crowdfunding campaign were: