Friday March 27th 2020, Arno is born!
Alex, Edo, Ema, Gabriele, Ilaria and Nina, are happy to announce that a cria is born at their alpaca farm (that’s how alpaca cubs are called)!
The newborn is son of Samantha and his name is Arno!
He’s in good health, sucking milk, trotting behind the other alpacas and can't wait to meet them when they return to work at the Park.
Newspapers mentioned this: OkFirenze, Il Reporter, Il Corriere Fiorentino, La Nazione
and on TV: click here to see the news broadcast of ReteTV38 aired on April 22, 2020.
Here are the first photos and some videos:
AlpaHa APS onlus Association - Via I. Pindemonte 54, 50124 Florence - - CF 94260670487