
In order fully to develop our project we need everyone’s help.

For donations: (Bank Code) IBAN IT54 Z030 6902 9231 0000 0006 004.

For donations from abroad, in addition to the IBAN (Bank Code), the following information may be necessary:

Name of Beneficiary: Associazione AlpaHa Onlus

Bank: Intesa di San Paolo - Firenze 2

Bank address: Via dei Serragli, 126/r, Firenze 50124, Italia


The AlpaHa Association Onlus is a non-profit organization, inscribed in the official register UNICA delle ONLUS c/o AGE Direzione Regionale della Toscana, on June 26, 2016, as no. 33185.

All legal and natural persons are able to deduct their contributions to our association within the limits and according to the procedures established by law (Art. 15, c.1.1, D.P.R. 917/1986, art.14 D.L. 35/2005 as converted from Legge 80/2005 and art. 100 c.2, lett. h, D.P.R. 917/1986).

Other forms of support:


We thank Regione Toscana who supported us with a contribution of € 7396 to face the health emergency, the isolation and the lack of relationships resulting from Covid-19, with a project that’s about social and recreational activities, and with the delivery of appropriate medical supplies.

A special thanks to all those who have supported us in the past and to those who wish to continue their support of our association.

Associazione AlpaHa APS  onlus - Via I. Pindemonte 54, 50124 Firenze - - CF 94260670487