Event Test Drive di Supercar

Saturday, April 30 2022 - from 9,30 am to 7 pm:

On Saturday, April 30 at Piazzale Michelangelo, Florence from 9.30 am to 7 am will take place the event Test Drive Supercar (Ferrari and Lamborghini) in favor of AlpaHa Onlus APS.

Organized by Tuscany Vip Service in collaboration with Radio Taxi 4390 and Kaoma Travel.

The proceeds of the opening day will be in favor of AlpaHa Onlus APS.

Free offer from 50€.

April 30 2022, La Nazione,  Firenze, tutti pazzi per le supercar al Piazzale Michelangelo

April 30 2022, GeosNews  Firenze, tutti pazzi per le supercar al Piazzale Michelangelo

April 19 2022, La Martinella,  Test drive con l’auto dei tuoi sogni e nello stesso tempo si dà una mano a AlpaHa 

April 18 2022, La Nazione, Guidare una supercar facendo beneficenza? Evento solidale a Firenze

Associazione AlpaHa APS  onlus - Via I. Pindemonte 54, 50124 Firenze - infoalpahaonlus@gmail.com - CF 94260670487